Focus on the playing, Not the amplifier

It’s hard to come to terms with not being the one in the spotlight, it takes a specific type of confidence. Our amplifiers exist to compliment and highlight the skills of the player, they’re not going to cover your mistakes, but they sure as hell will allow the small nuances that make you, well, you - shine through.  They reward subtlety, highlight the characteristics of your instrument, encourage experimentation and thrive in a variety of live and studio situations. These amps aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay. We hope they might help you on your journey.


3 years development, 50,000+ miles on the road, 4 continents, 200+ shows - the path leading to the 33F6 was winding to say the least. Learn the story of the development of our flagship amp developed in collaboration with Troy Van Leeuwen from Queens Of The Stone Age.

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hear it in action

The 33F6 is designed to take whatever you can throw at it. A studio weapon and live tool. Check out the first in our video series focusing on the varied output available with the 33F6.

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